Terms & Conditions


TERMS AND CONDITIONS for H & E Martin Limited trading as “THE COCKTAIL PEOPLE” 

Because we want to be sure that your event is successful and all your expectations for it are met, it is important that we (the “Caterer”) set out the terms and conditions on which we will provide our services to you (the “Customer”)



We agree to provide the Services: in accordance with these Terms and all applicable laws; Exercising reasonable care, skill and diligence; and using suitably skilled and experienced staff or contractors.


To enable us to provide the Services, you will: 

- Include all the requirements for the event including food and beverage requirements, location, event times, venue setups, and the number of guests attending must be received by the Caterer no later than ten (10) days prior to the event.

- Where applicable, ensure that we have safe access to the site where the event will take place and notify us of any hazards  that may pose a risk to us, our employees or contractor

- Notify us immediately if you become aware of anything that will materially affect the scope of the Services. 



All booking enquiries need to be sent to info@thecocktailpeople.co.nz and an electronic quote will be sent to you within 48 hours. 


A 25% deposit is required to secure your booking within 7 days on acceptance of these Terms or if none has yet been required, immediately once we require. Any such deposit is non-refundable. 

You will pay the remaining invoice/s issued under these Terms 7 days after your event without any set-off, withholding or deduction of any kind.

If payment has not been received of any amount payable under these Terms within 10 working days after the due date, we may charge interest at the rate of 12% per on all amounts remaining unpaid from the due date until the date of payment in full (whether before or after judgment). 



If the Customer cancels the event for any reason, then the following conditions apply:

- Notice of cancellation must be given to the Caterer in writing;

- The booking fee is non-refundable if the event is cancelled for any reason.

- In the event that you cancel the Event within 14 days of the date of the Event you must immediately pay us for any reasonable costs we may have incurred in relation to the Services.

- If any form of entertainment or outside services has been booked by the Caterer for the event, a full charge for these services will be incurred by the Customer, at the discretion of the Caterer.



If you:

- Breach any obligation owed by you in these Terms;

- Fail to pay any amount when due under these Terms within 10 Working Days of the due date;  

- Violate any New Zealand laws; or 

- Behave in such a way that is unacceptable or a nuisance to us or any other person, then we shall be entitled to terminate the Services.  

If we terminate the Services we will not be required to refund any amount paid by you. 



Under no circumstances whatsoever will the Caterer accept responsibility or be liable for any damage or loss:

- To any property, goods, articles or things placed, deposited, brought into or left at any venue, either by the Customer, the Customer’s guests or by any person attending the venue by reason of its use by the Customer for the event;

- Which is incurred or suffered by the Customer because the Caterer is unable to perform its obligations under this Agreement by reason of any act of God, fire, storm, breakdown of machinery, failure of electricity supply, water leaks, operation of law or any other cause beyond the control of the Caterer, or which may cause the venue to be temporarily closed or the use of the venue by the Customer to be interrupted or cancelled.



The Customer will be liable for and will indemnify and keep indemnified the Caterer from and against any and all loss or damage incurred by the Caterer (other than fair wear and tear) which is a direct result of any unlawful, negligent or other act of the Customer, or the Customer’s guests attending the event, or any other person attending the venue by reason of its use by the Customer for the event.



These general terms apply to all Services provided by us to you, except to the extent varied by the Agreement for Supply of Services. In the event that you disagree with anything in these Terms, please let us know immediately otherwise we will take your instructions to proceed with the Services as acceptance of these Terms. By paying your 25% deposit you are deemed to have read and understood these terms.